Thursday, February 15, 2007

Roli Books celebrated the publication of Bombay Art Deco Architecture: A Visual Journey (1930-1953)
by Navin Ramani at The Gordon House Hotel, 5 Battery Street, Apollo Bunder, Colaba, Mumbai on Monday February 12, 2007 at 7pm.
The book was released by Ms Shirin Barucha and the event was chaired by Mr Kamu Iyer,architect, professor, founding member of the Urban Design Research Institute(UDRI), followed by a visual presentation Mumbai Art Deco Architecture in context of the Miami parallel and a brief talk by Ms Brinda Somaya,member of Mumbai’s initiative for the Protection & Improvement of Streets & Public Spaces, and Mr Ratan Batliboi, Principal of the firm RJB Design Group.

100 Promises to My Baby by Mallika Chopra with a foreword by Deepak Chopra launched at The Garden Village, Garden of Five Senses, New Delhi

Friday, February 9, 2007

ITB Award for India: Then and Now

The German edition of India: Then and Now - „Indien Einst & Jetzt“ will be awarded with the ITB Book Award 2007. The award will be presented on March 11th at the ITB in Berlin where India happens to be the guest of honour.

It is the only illustrated book to have won an award this year!
